Monday, July 9, 2012


Salam sobat Knowledge & Learning kali ini Admin akan bagi-bagi cara buat makanan penutup / makanan pencuci mulut. mari kita belajar bersama tentang cara membuat makanan pencuci mulut dengan bahan yang simpel dan murah, yang jelas sangat LEZAT. mari kita mulai penjelasan nya. berbicara mengenai makanan pencuci mulut, kita sering kali ingin makan, makanan-makanan lezat tapi tidak punya cukup uang untuk membelinya. bagaimana kalau kita belajar membuat makanan pencuci mulut sendiri..??
anda setuju ...??

mari kita masuk ke bagian bagaimana kita membuat makanan enak sendiri dengan bahan-bahan murah.
kita masuk saja pada bahan-bahan nya:

Alat dan Bahan :

Alat-alat :
Yang perlu di sediakan pertama pisau pemotong buah, mangkuk , sendok pengaduk, gelas.
alat dan bahan yang di pakai pula sangat sederhana untuk anda.

Bahan :
 Yang diperlukan hanya 2 buah Alpukat, 1 saset kopi (kopi nya sesuai sere anda ), 2 saset susu kental manis, 2 helai keju slim ( optional/ bisa di pakai atau tidak ). bahan-bahan yang anda perlukan hanya ringan dan gampang di temukan pula

Cara pembuatan :
Pertama-tama anda pisahkan buah alpukat dari kulit dan keluarkan biji dari alpukat, setelah itu alpukat di potong dengan bentuk kotak-kotak.

Kedua sediakan mangkuk dan masukan 2 saset susu dan 1/2 sendok teh Kopi, mix kopi dan susu tersebut bersama alpukat.

Ketiga setelah itu telah di campur secara merata, ambil gelas hias dan taruh campuran itu kedalam gelas hias, atur serapih mungkin, agar bisa jadi lebih kelihatan enak dan lebih menarik jika hasilnya sobat bisa tunjukan ke teman atau orang tua atau siapa saja...

Keempat (Optional)
Untuk garnish (hiasan), taruh 2 lembar keju diatas hidangan dessert tersebut. untuk lebih memperindah hidangan dessert keju keju di potong dalam bentuk segi tiga biar menarik

dan hidangkan makanan murah dengan bahan-bahan sederhana ini. sobat skalian bisa mencobanya di rumah yaa.
sekian informasi saya tentang bagaimana belajar membuat makana ringan dengan bahan murah dan gampang di dapat. selamat mencoba.

catatan : kopi yang di gunakan jangan terlalu banyak karena rasanya tidak akan enak lagi sobat.
bahan-bahan bisa anda tambahkan sesuai selera anda

kata kunci : bagaimana cara membuat makanan enak dan lezat dengan bahan sederhana,bagimana cara membuat makanan sederhana yang lezat, bagaimana cara mendapatkan resep makanan yang enak dan murah, makanan murah enak dengan bahan sederhana, makanan menarik dan sangat enak dan sangat murah.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Restore bios locked with password

How to break into the Bios password reset or ...?

                Sometimes we have problems when we put our bios password then we will forget the password. "Is it possible to break into the Bios password ..?" Answer could be Yes.
And in what way we researched the bios password?, How so easy, we need to do is just his bare hands and do a little trick to do
How do I reset the Bios password or break ..? easy way
Now we get into how to break bios password easily 100% successful.

The steps we have to do is as follows:
First of all
We have to turn off our pc and unplug its power supply, so we're not going to get electrocuted by the pc.

We just need to open the pc on cpu side, after it opened we just check the motherboard and we have to find a small connector on the motherboard.


After this we get a small junction bias pull by hand, by pulling it, then we associate to the left
Examples such as these:

We turn on our pc, wait until it snaps, then we turn our back. after pc pc dead we need to do is unplug the small connector and move it back to its original position.


Keywords: how to research the bios password, bios password break easily, in a way 100% could break the bios password, what to do if the bios password forgotten???, Restore bios locked with password, how to pull the bios password is forgotten, how mebobol bios, how to pull out the bios password, how to break into the bios on a password, the password can be reset bios ..?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

How a good business

How a good business and very profitable
Are you interested in becoming a business ..?
                Here's how how to be a successful businessman and well:
Business is a more demanding job to hard work, patience, and creativity. If we are careless, hasty, and over the course spree business in which we live will not fit with what we want.

Before starting a business will be managed should you find various information about the business areas in which would you choose, for example areas of your business regarding clothing, then you should know the brands clothing, clothing quality and clothing trends and other information.
In running a business you also need capital and the willingness is great, do not be too hasty to start a great business. you should start small, and when you're looking at the positive of what you are doing then you can reach the next steps.
Look for a location for your business in the place is always crowded, for example at the mall and create advertisements for your business, for example, how do we make the internet advertising. It will help your business to be known people.

In an effort is not always good, in some levels the time you will have problems, and the most prominent constraints on the part of consumers. Consumers may already bored with the style of your business that never changed or maybe there is nowhere else better compete with your business, look for something new and more creative.
                And lastly you should make notes about the administration of your business, so that from there you can see the development of your business.

That's the tips I can pass on to your hope of these tips you can learn better ways of doing business.
With a good business we will achieve success in our own business
May be useful;)


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